Control Humidity for a More Comfortable Home with a Humidifier

With too much humidity in your home, the air feels sticky and warmer than the actual temperature. Too much moisture is also the perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and other bacteria. But when there’s not enough moisture in the air, membranes of the nose, throat, and bronchial tubes dry out and can cause health-related problems. We can help you find the perfect balance.
Seider Heating, Plumbing & Electrical recommends humidity levels between: 30 and 50 percent in your home. Our suite of humidifiers and dehumidifiers brand, like AprilAire, Carrier, can help to add or lower the humidity from the air so you can save on utilities and be comfortable. A bypass, whole-home humidifier, or dehumidifier works in tandem with your heating and cooling system to provide moisture throughout your entire home. The fan-powered humidifier is an independent unit with its own fan that adds moisture directly into the ducts. All humidifier and dehumidifier options are energy-efficient ways to make your home more comfortable, and our expert technicians can professionally install them for you.
Benefits of Humidifiers:
- Soothe dry skin conditions
- Limit or eliminate viruses and bacteria
- Ease asthma
- Ward off common cold and flu symptoms
- Control static electricity
- Enhance indoor air quality
- Make home feel warmer at lower temperatures
Benefits of Dehumidifiers:
- Prevent mold and mildew
- Reduce skin and respiratory system irritation
- Eliminate smells and odors
- Advance air conditioner efficiency
- Eliminate rust and corrosion
- Prevent condensation