Say Yes! to Annual Furnace Maintenance— Furnace Cleaning & Checkups

Do you really need maintenance on your furnace every year? The simple answer from Seider Heating, Plumbing & Electrical is yes! The number one reason for an annual checkup and unit cleaning is just common sense. It’s the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your furnace is operating safely.
We know that furnaces often lose their efficiency as they age—especially if they have not been regularly maintained. Homeowners who have an annual furnace checkup by a heating and cooling professional like Seider experience about one-third fewer breakdowns than those who don’t. An annual checkup of your system to make sure it’s running at peak performance is like having your car tuned up or your teeth regularly examined. Neither is required, but both are highly recommended! Annual checkups are well worth the money for the simple reason that they can reveal potential concerns before they become big problems—often with big price tags attached.
The Best Time to Have Your Furnace Cleaned
Many Waukesha County homeowners think fall is the best time to schedule maintenance for their furnaces, but that can be a concern if the heat won’t be turned on in the next month or two. The best time of year may actually be once the furnace has been running because potential problems are easier to detect. During the visit, our technicians will change the furnace filter, UV bulbs, and humidifier pads—which should all be done annually.
Be smart and save! If you haven’t had your furnace cleaned and checked within the last 12 months, call us to schedule an appointment. Need filters? Call our service department at 262-436-0505 or email us at to order them.